Event #3

I attended Claudia Schnugg's pop-up lecture as my third event and I found it to be one of the most informative events I have gone to this entire quarter. Claudia's presentation was the clearest explanation as to why our Desma 9 class even exists and why it's so important for us to know the relationship between science and art. Science and art compliment each other very well because of many different reasons that Claudia mentioned in her lecture, but the most important I feel are access to interdisciplinary collaboration and imagination mixed with catalyst and openness.

The first point brought about by Claudia is the concept of interdisciplinary collaboration. The mutual sharing of scientific research and artwork can allow for so many possibilities in different subjects that many scholars may have never known existed. I feel this interdisciplinary collaboration is the most important key as to how knowledge about our existence and things yet to be discovered can reach depths that were never imagined. Claudia brings about an example of a unicorn head piece, called "Agent Unicorn" that was designed by an artist/scientist who aimed towards allowing children who have ADHD to have a camera attached to their heads throughout the day so the camera can record whatever the client is distracted by. It can further the understanding of ADHD and allow scientists to find a way to cure the condition. I found this project to be the most interesting because of the fact that it aims towards a condition that is not clear as to how it is obtained by individuals. Many people in this world struggle with the condition and by using a tool that was designed from both the skills of art and science, neuroscientists and many other scientists can advance in their research of how to solve the issue.

Overall, what I extracted from the course was how scientific research cannot advance to great lengths without the help of an artistic touch. Many people believe the two subjects are completely different when in reality, they fit together so perfectly it seems impossible for humanity to discover so much more about our universe just through the collaboration of the two subjects. I quite enjoyed Claudia's pop-up lecture since it taught me the overall importance of why we have been learning about different topics of science and why they relate to art. It seems obvious during each week's lecture videos and readings, but Claudia's explanation of collaboration and imagination allows me to fully understand why a scientist must consider art and why an artist must consider science.


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